An API stands for Application Programming Interface. Basically, an API is a program that allows two or more systems to communicate with and transmit data between each other.

APIs bridge the gap between different applications to allow you to quickly integrate different features into your interface without needing to re-design your infrastructure. With API, your business can instantly access data and gain more flexibility of use. Your web developers can customize your current software to better meet your own needs and the needs of your customers — all with minimal effort.

A graphic depicting a woman shopping that signifies marketing identity

APIs work as a translator between a customer-facing user interface and the server it’s reaching out to. Essentially, APIs are responsible for data reaching users.

For example, someone using a mobile application will encounter a user interface, with options to type and share a message with other users. While the user will be able to find the text box, type, and subsequently click on the “share” button, a server will need to interpret this same data in a format that functions for this specific application. In short, the API takes care of everything on the backend of a user-friendly interface, making complicated tasks easy.

A graphic depicting a workflow of how an API works

Sending employees and customers to a third-party web browser to do certain tasks, like perform a people search or go through identity verification, takes up valuable time and disrupts their day-to-day routines. However, when your employees and customers can go through a single, cohesive platform, they’ll have a better, smoother experience overall. 

When you integrate data into your own platform with API, you can instantly access all the customer data you need, right when you need it. Rather than sending your customers and employees to a third-party service, they can do whatever they need to do with the software they are currently working with. Being able to perform all your searches for both external and internal use in one cohesive platform will not only boost efficiency, but will also increase employee and customer satisfaction — in turn leading to growth.

If people searching is a part of your job, whether you’re a legal professional or investigator, a people search API can help streamline your workflow by providing you with the additional data you need for a people search from your own software. Even if you don’t have all the records and technology you would need to run through a people search yourself, you can pull from the data via an API and run it through software that fits your brand identity.

When you integrate a people search with API, you can utilize over 120 billion records from Endato to make your searching options easier and customize your people search needs to suit your unique desires. Whether it’s a basic people search or a more complex search, you can seamlessly integrate it into your own platform with API for a more flexible and streamlined workflow.

Can My Company Use API Integration Solutions?

If you need access to reliable and comprehensive data but you want to avoid going through a third-party operating system, Endato is a great place to find your API integration solution. Endato API systems have helped these industries streamline their workflows and search more efficiently:


Law enforcement agencies

Collections agencies

Corporate financial services

Government organizations

Insurance agencies

Healthcare providers

Legal professionals

These are not the only industries that can benefit from API integration. Any organization that wants greater flexibility and faster results in their searches may be able to benefit from API integration.

An API Integration Platform for Gathering as Much Information as You Need

Depending on your company, you may need different tools and pieces of information. With Endato API, you can access all of this information, plus much more:

  • Relatives and associates.
  • Cellphone suppression.
  • Deceased records.
  • Liens and judgments.
  • Place of employment.
  • Phone numbers.
  • Identity verification. 
  • Reverse phone.
  • Bankruptcies.
  • Address history.
  • Criminal records.
  • Property records.

There are many ways for you to utilize these web APIs to your advantage. Whether you need one piece of data for skip tracing, an entire identity verification system, or comprehensive people searches, you can choose exactly what you want to integrate and customize the results to scale at your own speed. 

A graphic depicting an overhead view of a city showcasing marketing property data
marketing data tenant history

API Recovery Solutions for Quick and Easy Recovery

While web APIs are beneficial to a variety of industries, one industry that can particularly benefit is collections, and that’s because debt recovery requires a lot of tools and information. While some people may outsource collections to third parties, API recovery solutions allow collections agencies to access all the tools and information they need right from their own platform. With instant access to comprehensive data, you can perform quicker recovery and keep collections in-house.

You also need up-to-date contact information about customers and debtors for right-party contact. Web APIs can automatically update the information in your CRM so you can be sure you’re using the most up-to-date information to reach out to people and recover debt. When you can integrate the best recovery tools into your own platform, you’ll be able to find the people you’re looking for and get the information you need to recover debt quickly and easily.

Use API To Access Data for Superior Loan Monitoring

In the collections world, the more delinquent an account is, the more a company will need to start using different data sets outside of address and phones. A modern loan monitoring API will provide additional data that can populate into your current software, including:

  • Bankruptcies
  • Liens
  • Judgments
  • Foreclosures 
  • Evictions

When you can access this information from your own platform, you’ll be able to monitor loans more efficiently and stay up-to-date on every account, even as situations change.

marketing data property search

More Information

What is an API?

An API integration allows you to integrate a searching tool with your own software so you can perform searches from your own software rather than going to a third-party website. With API integration, you’re able to create a software that’s fully branded with your own information.

Who Benefits from Using an API?

If you need to gather information and want to save time going to a third-party website, you can benefit from using an API integration. A few of the industries that can benefit from using API are investigators, law enforcement agencies, legal professionals, and financial services.

Why is an API Beneficial?

Integrating searches into your workflow as a whole with API can be an important part of reducing the amount of time you have to spend on each search because you no longer have to switch between different softwares, which can be beneficial for your company. API also makes it simpler to gather the information you’re looking for without ever leaving your own software system or internal website, and helps you create a software that’s fully branded with your own information and logos.

What Do I Need to Get Started With an API?

It’s not enough to just have an API system in general. You need an API system that will provide you with the information you’re looking for. Plus, you need a system that will help you get to that information as soon as possible. With Endato API integration, it’s easier than ever to get that exact information.

Click on the links below for specific details on any product in the Endato suite.

Filter Data Type

Address Autocomplete

Fast and verified addresses returned after every keystroke



Find someone’s name and contact info just from an address


Business Search

Performs a criteria search, and returns a list of matching businesses



Find someone’s name and contact info just from a number


Census Search

Performs a census search, and returns a list of matching census records


Contact Enrichment

Enrich your contacts with additional contact info



Check for updates on any previous matched contact


Criminal Search

Performs a criteria search, and returns a list of matching criminal records


DEA License

Performs a DEA License search, and returns a list of records matching the search criteria


Debt Search

Performs a criteria search, and returns a list of bankruptcy, lien, and judgment records


Divorce Search


Domain Search

Performs a domain search, and returns a list of domains matching the search criteria


Email ID

Find someone’s name and contact info just from an email


Eviction Search

Performs an Eviction search, and returns a list of Eviction records matching the search criteria


Foreclosure Search

Performs a Foreclosure search, and returns a list of Foreclosure records matching the search criteria


Identity Verification

Instantly verify someone’s identity and fill-in missing details


Marriage Search


Office of Foreign Assets Control

Performs an OFAC search, and returns a list of records matching the search criteria


Person Search

Performs a person search, and returns a list of people matching the search criteria


ProLicense Search

Performs a ProLicense search, and returns a list of ProLicense records matching the search criteria


Property Search

Performs a criteria search, and returns a list of matching Assessor and Recorder records


Reverse Phone Search

Performs a reverse phone search, and returns a list of people matching the search criteria


Vehicle Ownership Search

Performs a vehicle ownership search, and returns a list of vehicles matching the search criteria


Workplace Search

Performs a criteria search, and returns a list of matching businesses

A screenshot of Endato’s API guide and reference documentation.

Getting familiar with how to use Endato’s search and API products is very helpful in deciding what products you’ll want to use. We’ve created this quick start guide to walk new users through how to use Endato. Happy searching!