There are a number of reasons why your search may not be coming up. Here are some things you can try to find exactly what you are looking for.
Your first step might be to verify the information you have to search with. After all, the more accurate details you provide, the better your results will be.
For example, double-check the spelling of a person’s last name, or make sure you’ve entered the right area code for a phone number. Or you might broaden your search. If you’re not finding someone with their name, try searching for their email address instead, or their phone number.
Is the name fairly common? In that case, also entering the person’s city and state of residence (currently, or in the past), or adding their middle name and/or age in the Advanced Search can help you narrow down your results faster.
Of course, you may try all of these things, and still not find the results you were hoping for. The fact is, there may just not be any records available. That can happen if the subject opted out their records, their records were expunged by a court, or they simply have no criminal records, business records or property records to speak of. (Few subjects have every different type of public record there is.)
As an aggregator of public records, Endato can only display what is officially reported; unfortunately, some of what’s officially reported has incorrect info, missing data, typos and other errors. Apart from simply having wrong information for someone, such things can actually keep the record from being properly associated with a person.
If you still aren’t able to find the person, we are here to help you explore every possible avenue. Please contact our Customer Care team directly, and we will look into it.
Second, either directly or via third-party data collectors, we aggregate information from publicly published sources, such as phone directories, online articles/news items, and personal and professional social media profiles.
Finally, we gather data that is created and/or shared by a subject during the course of performing other activities. They can include contact information and other data from things like:
Endato does not share or sell the personal information you provide in the creation of an Endato account, nor do we put it into our database. Your account information is considered private and, therefore, confidential.
All searches on our website are private. There is no way that anyone you search on the site can see that you did so. And neither can anyone you didn’t search, for that matter. We keep your searches completely confidential from the public, as well as from any other Endato members. If you want to see your searches, you can view your search history when you log into your account.